Saturday, December 5, 2015

Tips on Studying for Finals

This is it folks. The dreaded finals week. Since we are halfway into dead week, hopefully most of you are unlike me and have started studying for your finals and as I'm sure you already know, multiple sessions of short studies help you learn much more than trying to cram the night before or the day of. So based on 3 and a half years of college experience, science, and pinterest, I've complied 8 tips to help you ace your finals

Get Comfortable
Now, I've been told (by my eye doctor nonetheless) to actually make yourself uncomfortable while studying so that you won't get tired. I tried this multiple times and it was an awful idea. If you wear uncomfortable clothes and sit in an uncomfortable position, you will not be able to focus, and all you will focus on is how uncomfortable you are. Personally, I love my leggings and oversized sweatshirts, and wear them on a daily basis, but it's also how I'm most comfortable when I study, if I were to wear jeans or tshirts I would lose my mind. I also can't sit on the floor, in a bean bag, etc. I have to be at a least desk. So find how you are most comfortable and that's when you'll be your most productive.
Find What's Best for You
I put this next because it fits hands in hand with the idea of being comfortable. There are two parts of this. First, it is finding where you study best. It could be in the library on campus, your student union, in your room at your desk, the kitchen table, in your bed -- there is something where you are most productive. I have to be on the quiet floor in my library, or if they are closed, my desk in my room (though not ideal). If you already know where that place is, you're halfway there. If not, it's important to find this place, because your productivity and motivation will go up. Second, you need to find how you learn best. There's a lot of ways, including flashcards, copying notes, reading your textbook, a combination of some, the list goes on. Some ways may take longer than others, but if you are studying in a way that doesn't work for you, it's a waste of time. This is something that takes time. I didn't discover how I learn best until the end of my first semester sophomore year. But it is crucial to your college career to learn how you study best. Once you have found your best place to study and how you study best, your studying will become easier and more effective.
Move Around
I have this amazing ability to fall asleep wherever I am. Folks I've fallen asleep on gravel and concrete, so falling asleep at my desk is a piece of cake. Actually, just like week I did just that and awoke 2 hours later with Zira cuddled up on the base of my neck. College kids somehow manage to function 32 hours on 2 cans of red bull and a cup of coffee. But when we crash, we crash hard. So don't fall asleep while studying! Get up and move around! Stretch, go to the bathroom, whatever you want to do, but just don't stay sitting just studying for hours on end. You will also start to lose your focus if you just sit there for too long, and once you lose that, you're pretty fucked.
Take Breaks
This goes with moving around. It's important to take breaks every 15-20 minutes or so. Not the long 2 hour - 2 week long breaks, but spent a few minutes on your phone, twitter, insta, to give your mind a break from calculus or geology. You're going to get burnt out very quickly if you try to study for 2 hours straight.
Write Things Our Instead of Typing
According to scientists, you will retain information when you write it down instead of typing it. This may be a tip to carry into your note taking if you take notes via laptop. To begin, laptops can be so distracting. I've rarely taken notes on my laptop because I know I will get distracted, I even distracted when the girl that sits in from of me in Geology online shops or is on pinterest the whole time. Second, although you will memorize better, you will not be able to conceptualize as well, and in college, most professors will get you on your ability to conceptualize than how well you remember. When it comes to applying that to studying, here are a few ways: First, if there is a study guide, write it out by hand instead of downloading it on a word document and filling it out. Write down the question and the answer, I do this and it has saved my ass. Second, a good way to study if paraphrasing your notes. So, if you are paraphrasing your notes from your laptop, write them down instead (if you are paraphrasing from written notes, you are already probably doing this.). Lastly, if you are someone that takes notes from the book, just highlight the book and write down the important things.
Chew Gun and Write in Color
Two things I have always heard is chew gum while studying, and chew the same gum during the exam, as your brain will link the two together and you will preform better. I can't really attest to this because the only time I don't have gum in my mouth is when I'm sleeping or eating, so I can't see a difference. Another thing I've heard is to take notes and write in color. I color coordinate my life, all my subjects are assigned a certain color. This is suppose to help keep your brain focused and help you remember things. Personally I couldn't imagine my life without my colored pens and highlighters.
I said it once and I'll say it again; DO NOT CRAM. Staying up all night before will only make you tired and you won't remember anything. You will learn a lot better by studying in small increments for a period of time before. 
Get Rest, Understand You Mental Health is Most Important
Above all else, you need to remember that your mental health and well being are the most important thing. Trying to cram for your exams, studying for hours on end and constantly stressing over your finals will wear you down. Almost all campuses offer a counseling center with the fee included in your tuition. There are also many articles you can find online that will give you pointers on how to deal with your stress and anxiety in a healthy way. It's also important to get you sleep, at least 8 hours a night. Sleep helps you function better, helps you keep your focus, and will feel refreshed and motivated to study. 

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the final stop before Christmas break. So go out with a bang and show those finals who's boss!

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