Friday, December 11, 2015

DIY Holiday Treats

We are now on what is probably my favorite thing in the entire world - FOOD.The holidays are a great time to put a few pounds, and there's nothing wrong with that. Nothing goes with a good time like good food. All these treats are easy and cheap, perfect for anyone of any age!
Candy Cane Suckers
What you'll need:
-Candy canes -Chocolate Chips -Sucker Sticks -Sprinkles -Parchment Paper
1. lay two candy canes with the curves touching each other and the end touching each other, to look like a heart, on some parchment paper. You can keep them regular sized or cut off the bottom to make them mini
2. Place a sucker stick between each set of candy canes, right through the center of the heart of candy canes.
3. Melt your chocolate chips. You can use any kind you like, most use white chocolate but there is colored chocolate out there if you'd like to use green, red, blue, etc.
4. Pour the melted chocolate between each set of candy canes, filled the heart spaced space.
5. Before the chocolate cools and hardens, add some sprinkles to the chocolate and let them cool!

Rice Krispie Snowballs
What you'll need:
-Rice Krispie cereal -Any ingredients the box calls for to make rice krispie treats -White chocolate chips -Parchment paper -Sprinkles
1. Being by making the rice krispie treats via instructions on the box. When it comes time to form the treats, shape them into balls of any size you prefer.
2. Melt your white chocolate. *Tip, make a lot in a large pot so you can just drop in the rice krispie balls, instead of trying to drizzle the chocolate on. 
3. Drop your balls into the chocolate and rotate until completely covered. Fish them out and place them on the parchment paper.
4. Add sprinkles! I suggest fine white sprinkles to give the glittering snow effect, but whatever you'd like!
**You do not have to add the candy canes, it's the only picture I could find. If you would like to make them look more like ornaments, though, feel free too!

Santa Hats
What you'll need:
-Brownie mix and ingredients on box -Mini cupcake tin -Whip Cream -Strawberries
1. Bake the brownies in the mini cupcake tins, and wait for them to cool. *Tip: if you do not have a mini cupcake tin, most grocery stores sell bite sizes brownies in the round shape. You can also bake brownies regularly, and cut out small circles.
2. Wash the berries, then cut the stem of the strawberries while the brownies are baking
3. Once the brownies are cool, remove them from the tin and spread white white cream on the top.
4. Place the strawberry on top of the white cream, pointed end up.
5. Put a tiny bit of whip cream on the tip of the strawberry.

Grinch Kabobs
What you'll need:
-Toothpick -Green Grapes -Strawberries -Mini marshmallows -Bananas
1. Pull your grapes off the vine and wash them along with the strawberries
2. Cut the stem off the strawberry
3. Peel your bananas and slice them to whatever you thickness you prefer; but not too thick or not, since this is the bottom of the hat.
4. Assemble the toothpick starting with the grape, then a banana slice, a strawberry with the pointed end facing away from the banana, and lastly, the mini marshmallow.

Preztel M&Ms Hugs
What you'll need:
-Red and Green M&Ms -Hershey's Hugs -Small Pretzels (The squares of twisted) -Parchment paper -Cookie Sheet
1. Preheat your oven to 200F
2. Place your pretzels onto the parchment paper on the cookie sheet
3. Unwrap your hugs and set on in the center of the pretzel
4. Once your oven is heated, place the hugs and pretzels into the oven for about 6 minutes. If they start to lose their shape take them out.
5. Before they cool off, gently push an M&M down into the center of the kiss.
Ornment Cupcakes
What you'll need:
-Cupcake mix along with ingredients to make them -Regular sized cupcake tin -Cupcake liners -M&Ms and/or sprinkles -Cupcake Liners -White Frosting -Food Coloring -Mini Reeses (the unwrapped kind) OR Rolos if someone is allergic to peanut butter
1. Begin by baking the cupcakes per the directions on the box, putting the liners into the tin and filling each cups about halfway with batter.
2. While your cupcakes are baking, divide your icing and add colors to each division, for different colored ornaments.
3. When the cupcakes are done, let them cool completely.
4. Ice the cupcakes and decorate however you'd like!
5. Add your Rolos or Reeses to the side of the cupcake, wherever the top of the ornament should be.

I hope you add these treats to your family traditions, try them out and let me know which is your favorite!
**These pictures are not mine. I pulled them from pinterest.

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