It's important to note that by no means am I a fitness expert. A novice really, but I do enjoy a really hard workout to let out the stress I feel from work. Fitness for me has been an on again, off again thing. I know the standard - what machines work what, what muscles are where, but I'm not an expert by any means. However, I know how hard it can be to get into the swing of things again, or to jump into fitness for the first time. So what do you need, and how do you get started?
What's in my gym bag:
1. I carry a nifty Victoria's Secret gym bag, one of those you get for spending too much money. It's big and cute, but any bag works.
2. Gloves, for lifting. My fragile hands can't handle weights without these.
3. Extra gym clothes; most important socks, quite a few pairs. I also keep my gym clothes in there; leggings, a sports bra, and a shirt. I also keep a spare shirt and underwear in there - yes, underwear.
4. A water bottle. In my everyday life, I use a camelbak, but at the gym, I use a wide mouth water bottle so I can chug it.
5. Earbuds. Anything to avoid talking to people while also letting me be graced by Missy Elliot's voice.
6. Personal hygiene products. Deodorant, Simple brand face wipes, body spray, toothbrush and toothpaste, a hairbrush, multiple hair ties, and a headband.
7. I also keep a small emergency kid, with bandaids, tampons, Midol, and pain relievers.
8. Most importantly, because I love food, I keep protein bars in all the time, and will throw fruit in before I go to eat on my way home.
Fitness Tips:
1. Most importantly, get into a fitness habit. Find the best time for you to go to be able to go consistently.
2. Set goals. Something I've stressed on my blog is setting goals, and that will change your life. You can set goals on losing weight, how much you lift, how long can you run, whatever you are striving for. Once you achieve your first goal, working out no longer feel like a chore, but becomes something you want to do.
3. Learn how to properly work out! I was so bad at this when I first started, because I thought running would be all I needed. Lifting is one of the best things to do for your body. But every workout has proper form, and not using the proper for will not give you results. Do your research on workouts, what you want to do, and how to do it correctly!
4. Pain is good. You have to push yourself passed what is comfortable, because your body is not getting the work out it needs. Now, if you break a bone, that's not the good pain. But feeling that burn is what you should be striving for. Be sure to see your doctor on this issue, because I am not an expert.
5. Don't be intimidated, and don't be afraid to ask questions. People at the gym are worried about themselves, and are not focused on you. Don't be scared to sweat, and pant, because you're working to make yourself better, and everyone respects that. If you don't know what you're doing, trainers are there to help you! Most people will not go out of their way to correct your form, however, if you ask, most people will be happy to help. Beware though - if it's not a trained professional, they could also be doing it wrong!