Monday, February 8, 2016

A Thank You Letter to All My Second Moms

It's hard to explain the feeling of losing a mother. Everyone handles it differently, and ultimately, there's no words to explain the sorrow you feel. Losing my mother at younger age took an incredible toll on me; I wouldn't have her at my first prom, my first band competition, my winterguard's finals performance, my high school graduation, moving me into my first dorm room, sending me care packages all through college, and soon, my college graduation. Me, though, I couldn't let that stop me from doing all those things. I had to try even harder, really. As time has gone by, it's ok to admit you don't remember all her tiny quirks, until you catch yourself doing them. Most women my age freak out when they catch themselves doing things their mother does. Me, I love it. My mother was an incredible lady and I would love to be half the woman she was.
But this isn't to talk about my mother, or how my life has been without her. It's to shed light on the woman that have come into my life that have treated me like a daughter.
I'm no stranger to having to adapt to new surroundings and making friends. Despite my awful personality and shyness, I manage to always find my place in a group, and always make a best friend. Over the past 6 years, I've met a lot of my friends moms. They're all great ladies, too. I think it's in a woman's nature to want to take a young person under her wing when there's no maternal figure present, but I also think the second mom's that have come into my life are much more than that. They're role models for me, and women I know my mother would be best friends with.
In high school, my sister was an amazing mother to me. My senior year of high school she would get up at the crack of dawn on competition days and curl my hair. I could always count on her being in the stands cheering me on, and give me the advice I needed to hear. She really is the driving force behind who I am today, and I don't think I would be graduating college without her.
Along with my sister are my best friend's moms. There are countless times I have felt like part of the family, and treated as such. They take me on vacations, support me in all my endeavors, give me the words of encouragement I need, even invite my to their Holiday's. I look to these women with the same respect I gave my mother, and am eternally grateful for what these women have done for me, and I know my mother would also be thankful for looking after me.
So if you are someone who has been a second mother to me, I can do nothing to return the gratitude I have for you. You have helped me grow in ways I wouldn't have with you, and you will always have a special place in my heart.